
Facebook Quizzes

Facebook Quizzes, I discussed yesterday in Facebook Quizzes that all tests hosted on Question Author Tracker can now be accessed through Facebook. The most convenient method to view your quiz in Facebook is to login to Question Author Tracker, choose 'Quizzes', choose the test and get the link from the Facebook panel.

Nevertheless, there's another alternative too-- you can produce your own app. There's more setup to it, but you'll get the following benefits.

  • You can utilize your very own App Logo and icons.

  • Users see their ratings compared versus other users.

  • Access to Facebook stats about your App.

  • Different listing in Facebook's App Browse.

Here's an example of a Question Writer Quiz established as its own customized app - 9/11 Test.

Facebook Quizzes

1. You'll initially need to go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps.
You'll have to approve this app if it is not already in your Facebook account.

2. Click on '+ Create New App'.

3. Provide the app a title.

4. Select a namespace for your app (Examples-- statecapitalsquiz or nine-eleven-quiz).

5. Pick the Category-- Games/ Trivia (It is essential that your app be classed as a Game for the social scoring functions to work).

6. Click 'App On Facebook'.

The Canvas URL will have this format.

( you must alter all 4 worths in the URL).
11679 is the Quiz ID (You'll discover this in your Test's Public Link).
Q49MG7WY is the Public Token (You'll discover this in your Quiz's Public Link).
108510769253788 is the App ID (You'll discover this in the App's Fundamental Info).
statecapitalsquiz is the App Namespace (You'll find this in the App's Basic Information).

The Secure Canvas URL is the very same as Canvas URL, but change the 'http' to 'https'.

6. Click 'Save Modifications'.

7. Pick 'Settings- > Advanced'.

8. Set 'Canvas Width' to Fluid.

9. If you don't have your own Personal privacy Policy, you can utilize QWT's http://www.questionwritertracker.com/account/privacypolicy.

10. If you do not have your ouwn Terms of Service URL, you can utilize QWT's http://www.questionwritertracker.com/account/tos.

11. Set the App's images and icons. You'll require 2 images, one with measurements 16 × 16, the other with measurements 180 × 180.

12. Go back to the Facebook panel on your Question Author Tracker account.

13. Copy the 'App Secret' (discovered in the App's fundamental settings on Facebook) into the area on the Facebook panel on QWT.

14. Upload an icon for your test (dimensions 75 × 75) to someplace on the internet, insert the URL in the area supplied.


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